Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hip and Hopening

See what I did there with the Hip and the Hop and the word play and shit! BAM!
I needed to finally post up this blog so I can update it Wherever I may Roam. To share the important thoughts, likes and dislikes of Cutloose and his never ending search for that perfect Montage! ENJOY
So It begins on a day that i did not want it to begin on, at a time i did not want it to happen. But such is life and all of it's misunderstandings it has to offer. I have learnt, you can not go through life waiting for that perfect moment to then do something. You need to do something to create that perfect moment. Only then will it come to you. Do your own thing and don't try and sound like the modernest movement. What your doing yourself is the modern standard. It's about being individual and being creative with life. Enjoy what it has to offer and what you want out of it. Don't let other influences dictate how you are going to live it!
So I just had to start some were. Your going to get Old and New influences and a lot of food too.
So Bookmark my Blog and check up on it every week. you may find something that inspires or makes you look at life differently. ROCK ON !..!

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