Wednesday, January 26, 2011

BrotherLoose 1.0

My brother arrived in Taiwan safe and sound and it seems he couldn't resist the munchies.
This is a bag of Deep fried Mushrooms in Curry seasoning.

- Posted from my iPhizzle

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cut n Cook Dj Set

Blah Blah Blah Festival 2010 has happened and I performed once again.  Last year I premiered my new DJ show,  were I cooked a Pizza while scratching and cutting it up live (Pics Below).
This yeah I cooked a Risotto.
Crazy I know!
But its combining my love of food, my love of DJ'ing and my love of music.  So in 2010 the Cut'n'Cook show went to another level.  The above video shows the carnage  !..!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

BBQ @ The Genre Hut

Today I helped Brisbane with the massive city wide clean up, after the worst floods recorded in Brisbane's history.  This ended at my mates place.  Were he cooked a BBQ feast.  Which included:
Pesto and Salami Potato Salad
Sweet Chilli & Vinigar Chicken Legs
Soy and garlic Chicken Wings
Caramel Onions and Mushroom glaze
Fetta and Cucumber salad

With a Flourless Chocolate Cake and Icecream desert :)

Such a good feast.  I am now in a Food Coma which will last 6hrs.  Then I will have an unnatural creative energy burts and probably record a mix tape.  Who knows?  Most of the time it becomes a Food Black out,  and I do things I can't remember doing the next day.
Wish me luck.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

TurBacon... it's Real

The Video speaks for itself.  But i do need to add that this can be attempted at any time of the year and that it doesn't need to be thanksgiving to thank the genius who designed this Meat Marval !..!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mumma Cutloose in Cambodia and Taiwan.....

Crab Caught Fresh when ordered, straight out of the river.  When Mum ordered, you would see the little cambodian waiter run out on a boat and pic up the crab pots and catch the crab then bring it back in and cook it.  Crazy

Some Holmes on the river were the Crabs lived.

An amazing Taiwanese Fresh Salad Lunch.  With the usual suspects and Taiwanese Lamb Balls

My Cousin Gus,  who Mum is staying with, cooking an Omelet.  While the main course Maranates off to the side along with that tasty Pork you can see on the right :)

So wish that I was there.  I stayed with my cousin Gus for two weeks in 09' and had a blast.  Dj'd with Ugly Duckling and ate so much fresh buffets it was a crime!
Can not wait to visit again.